We attended the international event ‘Radicalising Democracy: feminist strategies in the Face of the New Right’, organised by the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation and held at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The event, which brought together activists and feminists from Argentina and other countries, aimed to collectively discuss radical and powerful alternatives to confront and challenge the new right, such as the one currently represented by Javier Milei’s ultra-right-wing government in Argentina.

The event, held between 19 and 20 April 2024, had several simultaneous activities divided into four main axes:

  • Reading the context
  • Joining forces
  • Knowing alternatives
  • Imagining the future

The panel “Communication strategies: How to get out of our bubble?” joined speakers of the feminist initiatives “Indisciplinadxs”, “EcoFeminista”, “Latfem” and “Argentina Humana”. We discussed the role of the virtual territory for our activism at this political moment and what we can build on it.

Feminists said that although digital territory is the scene of our political opponents, we can operate in it and build power outside the capitalist logic of content production and dissemination. To do this, we need to understand how the resources and tools work and detach ourselves from the expectations of ‘going viral’ as a sign of successful communication. For us, the most important thing must be to communicate a message that aims to change the world.

See more about the event: https://rosalux-ba.org/radicalizar-la-democracia/