Global South Feminist Manifesto Week: Transnational Dialogues
Find a suggested list of resources and introductory readings for the thematic session on Climate Coloniality: Reclaiming Environmental Sovereignty of the Global South Feminist Manifesto Week: Transnational Dialogues to be held on 22nd August at 7 am UTC and 1 pm UTC.
All resources are authored by global south feminists and are organised by language – Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish-. If you would like to access a more extensive list of resources on the topic or other feminist productions you can visit the South Feminist Knowledge Hub here. We invite you to send us any other resources that should be included in this reading list by filling out this form or emailing us at
- What is climate coloniality? by Farhana Sultana
- Towards a Decolonial and Feminist Global Green New Deal, by Bhumika Muchhala
- Ecofeminism: Critique, influence, change, by Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies,
- What is Agrarian Justice? , by Dzodzi Tsikata
- Gender in Agrarian Transitions, by Dzodzi Tsikata, Archana Prasad, Paris Yeros,
- Making a case for ecofeminist popular education in times of COVID-19, by Shirley Walters and Astrid von Kotze
- Land in transition: from social reproduction of labour power to social reproduction of power, by Lyn Ossome
- Más allá del colonialismo verde. Justicia global y geopolítica de las transiciones ecosociales, by Miriam Lang. Breno Bringel. Mary Ann Manahan
- Hacia la Justicia Climática y Económica: Un análisis feminista de las tendencias cruciales, by Action Nexus