‘Racial Justice and Reparations’ is the fourteenth session in South Feminist Future’s Political Education series. This series is an initiative by South Feminist Futures that seeks to strengthen cross-regional, intergenerational dialogue and build a cross-regional feminist constituency. The series cuts through various topics to interrogate and strengthen understanding of issues shaping conditions in the Global South.

This session took place on the 17th of July, 2024, and was taught by Liliane Umubyeyi.

Liliane Umubyeyi is the co-founder and executive director of African Futures Lab, an organization whose mission is to tackle the culture of impunity and denial concerning historical and contemporary racial injustices across Africa and Europe. Prior to establishing African Futures Lab, Liliane worked in the field of international development (United Nations, International Centre for Transitional Justice, Lawyers without Borders, American Bar Association) on projects concerning access to justice for marginalized groups, transitional justice, and gender justice. This professional background and her lived experience in Africa (Rwanda, South Africa, Central African Republic) and in Europe (Belgium, France) inform her thinking about the decolonization of development policy and practice, the decolonization of international law and justice systems, and the possibilities for repairing historical and contemporary racial violence. Liliane holds a PhD in Law (Université Saint Louis Bruxelles (Belgium) and in Social Sciences (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France), and her dissertation focused on apartheid victims’ mobilizations in South African and American courts.