“International Financial Institutions: Who Holds the Purse?” is the seventeenth session in South Feminist Future’s Political Education series. This series is an initiative by South Feminist Futures that seeks to strengthen cross-regional, intergenerational dialogue and build a cross-regional feminist constituency. The series cuts through various topics to interrogate and strengthen understanding of issues shaping conditions in the Global South.
This session took place on the 29th of October 2024, and was taught by Mayada Hassanain.
Mayada Hassanain is an economist with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Khartoum and a postgraduate degree in Development Economics from SOAS University of London. Her research interests focus on social reproduction, the intersections of macro and social policy, and the political economy of Sudan. She is committed to advancing feminist perspectives in economic discourse and has published work in Feminist Africa. Previously a researcher with the Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ), she is currently the senior program officer with the International Development Economics Association as part of the feminist economics team.
Here is our specially curated reading list that was designed to enrich your understanding of the topic and spark engaging discussions! It features resources from authors and thinkers in the Global South.
Teach-In 17: International Financial Institutions: Who Holds the Purse?